Opera Coaching & Répétiteur, Chamber Music Collaboration, Piano Teaching

Piano Répétiteur, Opera Coach

My expertise as a piano accompanist and orchestra conductor provides tailored support whether you're a professional opera singer, auditioning or preparing for a competition. With extensive versatility in opera and Lieder-songs- repertoire, I offer coaching, insight into music and drama, repertoire development, performance enhancement to help you excel in your musical performance and stage presence. I also offer language coaching to improve your diction and pronunciation in the Italian operatic language.

My extensive experience in international competitions, conducting opera masterclasses, opera workshops, recording studios, serving singers, choirs, opera theatres and festivals ensures sensitive and inspiring piano accompaniment, also on stage during public concerts.

During rehearsals I strive to create a positive and focused environment that fosters artistic growth through collaboration. By working on tempo, breathing, phrasing, agogic and form, while adapting to the individual needs of each singer, we can delve into the depths of each composition and convey the meanings and emotions behind the music. It's about more than just accompaniment; it's about a fulfilling artistic collaboration.

Location of the rehearsals: Rehearsals take place in the heart of Vienna, in professional music rooms and historic concert halls such as the MusikQuartier or the Ehrbar Saal.

Chamber Music Pianist

I offer piano collaboration for chamber music tailored to your needs, whether you're a professional instrumental soloist preparing for a concert, or simply a developing student or candidate in a musical competition. With extensive experience in instrumental chamber music repertoire, I offer comprehensive support including chamber music coaching, repertoire development and performance enhancement.

My extensive experience for music university, conservatoires, music foundations, radio and studio recordings, in international competitions, masterclasses and festivals ensures sensitive and inspiring piano collaboration. My aim is to create a positive and focused rehearsal environment where we can explore the depths of each composition.

Location of the rehearsals: Rehearsals take place in the heart of Vienna, in professional music rooms and historic concert halls such as the MusikQuartier or the Ehrbar Saal.

Coaching and accompaniment for auditions, competitions and exams

Targeted preparation for:

  • auditions, competitions and exams
  • demo productions or professional recordings*

Custom Demo Recording and Production

Need to record a demo for an audition, a competition or a marketing campaign for a CD project? I can provide my professional recording equipment, recording in 24bit/96Hz quality, AKG, DPA and Neumann microphones, final mastering with Protools.

Piano Teaching

Accredited lecturer for piano at the Kalaidos University of Music in Switzerland

Piano Lessons and Masterclasses. In Vienna or Online

I offer personalised piano lessons tailored to refine your technique, deepen your understanding of music works, and unlock your full performance potential. My piano lessons focus on developing organically both technical skills and musical understanding. I work with students of all levels, from beginner to advanced, tailoring my approach to your individual strengths and areas for growth. My teaching method combines the tradition of Italian conservatories and academies with Swiss pedagogical university education.

Since 2016, I have been an accredited lecturer for piano at the Kalaidos University of Music in Switzerland for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. With an MA in Piano Pedagogy, I have taught as a guest lecturer at renowned conservatories and music schools in Switzerland, coaching competition winners and preparing students for successful examinations.

Private Piano Lessons in Vienna: Located in the heart of Vienna, I am proud to offer lessons and rehearsals in professional music rooms and historic concert halls, such as the MusikQuartier or Ehrbar Saal.

Online Lessons: Bridge geographical boundaries with my effective online piano lessons via Zoom. Experience efficient, dedicated one-to-one tuition.

Masterclasses: Immerse yourself in one to three days of intensive masterclasses and receive expert guidance to gain valuable insights.

Consultation: Additionally, I offer consultation sessions to help you navigate your musical path. Benefit from my expertise through personal consultations, where we'll discuss your goals, develop a strategic plan, and explore opportunities for growth.


Contact me via WhatsApp +43 676 968 7938 or by using the contact form


"Stefano Severini hat am Konzert Theater Bern in der Saison 19/20 mit unseren Sängern die Fachpartien von Giacomo Puccinis «Madama
Butterfly» und Gioacchino Rossinis «Il Barbiere di Siviglia» einstudiert und korrepetiert. Stefano Severini war für unsere Sänger und den musikalischen Stab von grossem Wert, da er die Operntradition der Gesangspartien sehr gut kennt.
Wir können jedem Theater empfehlen ihn als Sprachcoach und Repetitor zu engagieren." - Dr. Xavier Zuber, Opern - und Konzertdirektor, Konzert Theater Bern, 2020
"Mit dem Pianisten Stefano Severini hat sich in den letzten Jahren eine anregende und vielseitige Zusammenarbeit ergeben. Durch seine Auftritte in Kammermusik-Veranstaltungen und in S olo-Re zitals wurde ich auf ihn aufmerksam und verpflichtete tbn nmachst als Klavierbegleiter an mein Centro di canto e dell'Arte di presentarsi tn Figino-Lugano. Er wirkt auch bei der Einstudierung und Vorbereitung meiner eigenen Konzertprogramme mit. In meinen Szenischen Rezitals sind wir auch gemeinsam aufgetreten, zuletrt in einem Programm mit russischer Musik von Glinka bis Skrjabin und Strawinski.
Auf der menschlichen Ebene schatze ich an Herrn Severini seine Zuverlàssigkeit, seine distinguierten Umgangsformen, seine Ruhe und Konzentration. Sein aussergewrihnliches pianistisches Talent wird untersttit il. v on einem breiten Verstàndnis in stilistischer Hinsicht. Musikalische Oberflàchlichkeit ist ihm verhasst, er vertieft sich in das musikalisch Wesentliche. Dazu ist er ein ausgezeichneter ,,prima vista"-Spieler, auch von Werken neuer Musik. Als Begleiter findet man in ihm einen unaufdringlichen, prazisen Partner mit klaren eigenen Vorstellungen. Hervorzuheben sind seine klangliche Sensibilitat und dialogische Pràsenz im Zusammenspiel." - Eva Wymola, Sängerin, Dozentin, Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, 2012
Stefano Severini ist nicht nur ein begnadeter Künstler , sondern auch in pädagogischen Belangen ein umsichtiger und äusserst liebenswürdiger Lehrer, der seine Allieven zu fördern und zu fordern weiss. - Prof. Paul Müller, Direktor Schweizer Schule Rom, 2020


Scheduling. What are the lesson policies?

  • You can purchase single lessons or subscriptions.
  • Subscription terms, including duration, number of lessons, and schedule, are agreed upon in advance.
  • You can cancel or reschedule lessons with at least 24 hours' notice without losing your payment.
  • Any lessons that have been cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled or added to the end of your current planning calendar.
  • You can cancel a subscription and receive a refund for remained unused lessons.
  • The waiting time for a first appointment can vary between one and four weeks.

Payment and Pricing. How do I pay?

  • We will provide a quote based on lesson duration and location.
  • We accept payment by bank transfer, credit card, or PayPal.
  • We will issue invoices upon request.
  • There are no automatic or mandatory contract renewals.

How is my data handled?

  • Your data is protected according to GDPR and stored securely.
  • See our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for more information.
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